Tax clearance certificate application in Nepal

A tax clearance certificate means the document which is provided by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Nepal as per the rules and regulations of the Nepalese Income Act 2058. Here's a sample of a tax clearance application you would likely have to present to the respective "Inland Revenue Department (IRD)" for tax clearance certificate of your company. You must pay all due taxes, submit all the tax paid voucher throughout the fiscal year, copy of audit report of same year, copy of rent tax if you are paying rent tax to house owner and authority letter if someone is getting your tax clearance certificate on behalf of your company. You can visit for all the transactions related to the Tax. 

श्रीमान कर अधिकृतज्यू,
आन्तरिक राजस्व कार्यालय, कलंकी

विषय: आयकर नियमावली २०५८ को नियम २६ सँग सम्बन्धित कर चुक्ता प्रमाणपत्र पाउँ ।


मैले /हामीले आ.व………………………………….. सम्मको आय विवरण दाखिला गरी सकेको तथा आ.व………………….. मा देहाय बमोजिम कर दाखिला गरेको हुनाले आयकर चुक्ता प्रमाणपत्र पाउन रू १०/- को टिकट टाँसी यो निवेदन पेस गरेको छु। अग्रिम कर कट्टि को प्रमाणपत्रहरू, कर दाखिला गरेको भौचर तथा रसिदको प्रतिलिपिहरू यसै साथ संलग्न गरेको छु। यो निवेदनमा उल्लेखित कुराहरू सहि छन्। फरक परेमा कानून बमोजिम सहुँला बुझाऊँला। 

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